More Posts on Starting a Business

Growing a Business

The Top 2 Reasons Amazon Sellers Fail

Starting an Amazon business? This is how to avoid the two mistakes I commonly see as an Amazon consultant and what to do instead.

Side Hustle

When This Entrepreneur Couldn't Decide What to Name His Business, He Started a $2,000-a-Month Side Hustle to Help — Now It Earns Over $10 Million a Year

Darpan Munjal, founder and CEO of AI-powered startup ecosystem Atom, offered $50 to anyone who could help with the creativity block.

Starting a Business

Clinton Sparks Podcast: Offset's Journey From Hip-Hop to High Fashion and Entrepreneurship Success

This podcast is a fun, entertaining and informative show that will teach you how to succeed and achieve your goals with practical advice and actionable steps given through compelling stories and conversations with Clinton and his guests.

Starting a Business

How to Develop a Winner's Mentality for Entrepreneurial Success

The most resilient and psychologically sound entrepreneurs don't just think differently – they create their own realities through the power of their mental skills and energies.

Side Hustle

3 Secrets to Starting a Small Business Side Hustle That Gives Your Day Job a Run for Its Money, According to People Who Did Just That — and Made Millions

Almost anyone can start a side hustle — but only those ready to level up can use it to out-earn their 9-5s.

Growing a Business

Starting or Growing a Business? Here's How to Know When You Should Hire Your First Employee.

When enlisting help, follow these steps to make the best decision for your company.

Starting a Business

Ask Marc | Get Free Business Advice From the Co-Founder of Netflix

Get the answers to your most challenging business problems during our next Ask Marc, live Q&A, on 5/9/24 at 2 PM ET. You don't want to miss it—send in your questions now.

Starting a Business

Don't Start a Business Until You Consider These 5 Things

Thinking about starting a business? Here's what you need to know before you get registered, invest in your startup costs or make your first sale.

Starting a Business

Offering Your Valuable Knowledge and Services For Free Comes at a Price — Here's How to Avoid Paying It.

Passionate entrepreneurs can have a hard time putting monetary value to their work. They can even undervalue it at times, especially when their focus is on purpose over profit — but profit is the only way you can continue your purpose. Here's how you can build a balance between generosity and professional valuation instead.

Starting a Business

How Startups Can Boost Team Morale and Drive Success Through Recognition

Strategic milestone recognition plays a pivotal role in cultivating team spirit and driving startup success.


How Mindset Plays a Role in Your Entrepreneurial Success

Don't overlook the importance of mindset when you're starting or growing a business.